Remote operations and future operating models

Remote operations and future operating models

PhD Candidate Rialda Spahic

Main Supervisor Mary Ann Lundteigen

Sponsor: Equinor

Remote functions, such as remote control or remote monitoring, have been used for a long period for oil and gas production facilities, especially to control and monitor remote unmanned satellite platforms. More recently, we see increasing use of more advanced remote functions (e.g., remote operations, engineering and risk-based maintenance) over longer distances from production sites. Remote oper-ation is more than remote control, the operational model/concept is the key. This project will focus on identifying and analyzing the technical and organizational capabilities that need to be in place to succeed with this transformation. Relevant use cases will be identified and utilized actively as basis for the research. The project aims to strengthen the fact base for remote operation and future operating models.

BRU21 Conference 2022

Risk-informed Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Subsea Pipeline Inspection