Innovation in education of professions - Research - Department of Public Health and Nursing
Department of Public Health and Nursing
Innovation in education of professions
Professional education in health sciences, vocational and teacher education shall be based on established knowledge, research, experience-based competence, and user knowledge. In the years to come, the need for nurses and health professionals is great, the same applies to teachers. Accordingly, the educational capacity must be increased, and quality in practical studies should be further developed in collaboration with the various fields of practice. Quality of education is crucial; there is a need for innovation in education of professions in both theoretical and practical studies.
Research on “Innovation in education of professions” includes:
- Integration of health theory (salutogenesis), health promotion and pedagogical theory with emphasis on Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
- Salutogenic resources for student learning (motivation, autonomy, relatedness, and competence)
- Learning design in higher education (eg learning design for CPR in nursing, learning design for relational competence)
- Student-active learning methods in education
- Digital student-active pedagogical methods
- Adult learning and learning environment
- Guidance and quality in practical studies in vocational and professional educations such as nursing, midwifery, and teacher education
- Professional management and the development of good cultures in education and practice
- Pedagogical practice / interventions and implementation - with a focus on patients, relatives, students, teachers, and health professionals
Group leader
Bjørg Synøve Aglen Associate Professor
+47-73412332 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Ingeborg Alexandersen Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Ingvild Aune Professor in Midwifery and leader for the Master Programme in Midwifery
+47-73412217 +4790656714 Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine -
Grete Hanssen Associate Professor
+47-73559733 +4795888829 Department of Teacher Education -
Hanne Margrethe Thürmer Karlsaune Lektor
+47-73412919 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Guro Karlsholm
+4791823696 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Karen Irene Lysberg -
Ann Oddrun Medby Associate Professor
+47-73412166 +4795996838 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Vigdis Moen Associate Professor
+47-73412294 +4791311258 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Unni Karin Moksnes Professor
+47-73412156 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Tove Engan Paulsby Assistant Professor
+47-73412285 +4790534802 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Siri Husa Ramlo Assistant Professor
+47-73590490 Department of Teacher Education -
Monica Maria Schwartz Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Heidi Emly Sivertsen Assistant Professor
+47-73412706 +4793600836 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Marit Storli Associate Professor
+47-73412248 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Linn Beate Strand Associate Professor Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Vera Louise Sørø Assistant Professor
+47-73412291 +4795033582 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Sonia Tangen Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Hanne Kristine Skjesol Torbergsen Associate Professor
+47-73412205 +4748203476 Department of Public Health and Nursing