Work, Organisation and Mobility – Research – Department of Sociology and Political Science
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Photo: Elin Iversen/NTNU
Work, Organisation and Mobility

Our scientific staff in this field contribute to research relating to working life, the welfare state and civil society. We aim at understanding changes related to working life, organisational development and social structure, and gain insight into how mobility and migration are connected to working life and civil society.
Research Groups and Projects
- Migration and Mobility - coordinator Johan Fredrik Rye
- Organization and Society
- Gender, welfare and inequality - coordinator Brita Bungum
- GLARUS: Global Labour in Rural societies (2017-2020). Professor Johan Fredrik Rye
- Registerbaserte mobilitetsstudier (2019-). Professor Arild Blekesaune
- Robust Regulatory Regimes. Defences against major accidents (2014-2018). Professor Ulla Forseth
- New Theoretical Perspectives on the Nordic Model (2013-2016). Professor Elin Kvande og Professor Emerita Berit Brandth
This is some recent publications in English. Please see the researchers' NTNU-profiles for more.
- Slettebak, Marie Holm (2020) Labour Migration and increased Inequality in Norway. Acta Sociologica
- Rye, Johan Fredrik, Slettebak, Marie Holm (2020). The new geography of labour migration: EU11 migrants in rural Norway. Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 75, pp. 125-131.
- Rye, J.F. (2019): Transnational spaces of class. Migrants' multiple, inconsistent and instable locations in the class structure. Current Sociology 67(1), pp. 27-46.
- Forseth, Ulla, Stewart Clegg og Emil Røyrvik. 2019: Reactivity and Resistance to Evaluation Devices. Valuation Studies
- Berit Brandt og Elin Kvande (2019): Flexibility: some consequences for fathers’ caregiving i Peter Moss, Ann-Zofie Duvander og Alison Koslowski (red): Parental Leave and Beyond. Recent International Developments, Current Issues and Future Direction, Political Press.
- Rye, J.F, M.H. Slettebak and H. Bjørkhaug (2018): From Family to Domestic and Global Labour? A Decade of Proletarisation of Labour in the Norwegian Horticulture Industry. European Countryside, 10(4), s. 528-542
- Elin Kvande og Berit Brandt (2018): Workplace support of father's parental leave use in Norway.Community, Work and Family.
- Berit Brandt (2018): Farmers framing fatherhood: everyday life and rural change. Agriculture and Human Values
- Berit Brandth og Elin Kvande (2018): Fathers’ sense of entitlement to ear-marked and shared parental leave. The Sociological Review.
- Rye, Johan Fredrik (2018): Labour migrants and rural change: The "mobility transformation" of Hitra/Frøya, Norway, 2005-2015. Journal of Rural Studies.
- Berit Brandth, Sigtona Halrynjo og Elin Kvande (2017). Work-Family Dynamics. Competing Logics of Regulation. Economy and Morals.
- Rye, Johan Fredrik, og Scott, Sam (2018): International Labour Migration and Food Production in Rural Europe: A Review of the Evidence. Sociologica Ruralis.
Courses and Education
Courses offered at the Department:
Bachelor level:
Master level:
Continuing Education: