Researc at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE)
Our research addresses challenges ranging from basic research—in mathematics, computer science, cybernetics, nano and micro electronics—to global research demands within energy, health and welfare, robust and secure ICT services, and marine and arctic operations.
Strategic Research Areas
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines. AI systems are able to interpret data and decide its further actions based on that interpretation.
Autonomous Systems
Autonomous Systems Autonomous systems that are able to operate independently of human control in unknown and unstructured environments.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security aim to become a leading academic research and education community for cyber security in Europe.

Data Science
Data Science extracts knowledge and understanding from data using a combination of approaches from statistics, mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering as well as domain-specific knowledge.

Digital Electrical Energy
Digital Electrical Energy is dedicated to improving efficiency and performance of electric power and energy systems for a sustainable future by embracing these developments with the innovative use of information technology, communication technology, computer science, power electronics, and cybernetics.

Digital Enterprise
Digital Enterprise focuses on generating knowledge on the changes, implications, and consequences of digital technology design and use in organizations, organization ecosystems, the economy, businesses, and the society at large.

Digital Twins
Digital Twins are a virtual representations of a physical asset enabled through data and simulators for real-time prediction, monitoring, control and optimization of the asset for improved decision making throughout the life cycle of the asset and beyond.

Energy Efficient Computing Systems
Energy Efficient Computing Systems (EECS) focuses on energy efficiency as the key design challenge for future computing systems, ranging from wireless embedded client devices to high-performance computing centers.

Internet of Things
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network system of devices containing electronics, sensors, software, communications, and actuators, with various combinations of interaction in terms of sensing, communication, computation, and control.

Mathematics in Technology
Mathematics in Technology is interdisciplinary research where mathematical sciences are a key enabling technology. We aim to communicate the importance of mathematics in society.
SmallSat is an initiative to strengthen the small satellite and space related activities at NTNU and make them more visible.
Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI)

Centre for Geophysical Forcasting (CGF) aims to develop new geophysical capabilities and improve terrestrial geohazard risk monitoring and early warning applications.

Norwegian Centre for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors (NORCICS) aims to make Norway the most secure digitalized country in the world.

The Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation (NorwAI) aims to consolidate and strengthen the Scandinavian applied AI communities.

SFI AutoShip
Centre for Autonomous ships (SFI AutoShip) focuses on taking a leading role in the development of autonomous ships for safe and sustainable operations.
Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)
Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution (CINELDI) develops the electricity grid of the future.
Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology (HydroCen) enables the Norwegian hydropower sector to meet complex challenges and exploit new opportunities through innovative technological solutions.
HYDROGENi is a centre for environment-friendly energy research (FME) dedicated to spearheading research and innovations within hydrogen and ammonia.
Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energi (NORTHWIND) brings forward outstanding research and innovation to reduce the cost of wind energy, facilitate its sustainable development, create jobs and grow exports.
Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (NTRANS) study the role of the energy system in the transition to the zero-emission society.
The Research Centre on Zero Energy Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Centre) enables the transition to a low carbon society by developing sustainable neighbourhoods with zero greenhouse gas emissions.
National Partnerships
Center for Cyber and Information Security (NTNU CCIS) do research, education, testing, training and competence development within the area of cyber and information security.