Extened management team
Extended management team
Extended management team
The extended management team includes the department’s management team, one representative of permanent academic staff, one representative of temporary academic staff, one representative of administrative staff, one external representative and two student representatives.
Anja Katrine Angelsen Deputy Head of Education/Associate Professor
+47-73596782 +4798493914 anja.angelsen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Lars August Fodstad Head of Department, professor, excellent teaching practitioner
+47-73596429 +4797953429 lars.fodstad@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Eli Løfaldli Professor, Deputy Head of Research at the Department of Language and Literature
+47-73598233 eli.lofaldli@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature
Jens-Petter Andreassen Professor, Head of Department
+47-73594209 +4792032209 jens-petter.andreassen@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Morten Antonsen Office Manager
+47-73591726 +4795883250 morten.antonsen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Ivar Berg Professor
ivar.berg@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Frode Lerum Boasson Associate Professor
+47-73596417 +4792484893 frode.boasson@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Anne Dahl Professor, Head of Language Studies with Teacher Education
+47-73596794 anne.j.dahl@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Kristin Halvorsen Professor
+47-73596350 +4748245135 kristin.halvorsen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Marius Warholm Haugen Professor, Head of Program for Foreign Languages
+47-73596733 marius.haugen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Irina Holsæter Assistant Professor
+47-73412938 +4794345937 irina.holsater@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Laura Nogueira Sanchez PhD Candidate
laura.n.sanchez@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Marianne Pilskog Nyhus Assistant Professor, Head of programme for signed language and interpreting
marianne.p.nyhus@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Mona Overvik Senior Executive Officer
+47-73596529 mona.overvik@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Rhonna J. Robbins-Sponaas Associate Professor, Head of program for English
+47-73596805 rhonna.robbins-sponaas@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature
Student representatives
Student representatives
Märta Joanna Landén
Sunita Kristina Singh
Louise Faarup Storvik