Contact us!

Contact us

Contact us

Faculty of Engineering

Contact us

Contact information

Contact information

(+47) 73 59 37 00
(in July the phone is operated between 0900-1100) 


Visiting and delivery address:

Geologibygget 1st Floor, Gløshaugen

Høgskoleringen 6, 7491 Trondheim


Student guidance and general inquires: Student square in G-bygget, 1st florr

Phone: +47 61 13 54 00

Opening hours: 08.00-15.30 (1st May to August 31st: 08.00-15.00)

Visiting address: Teknologiveien 22, 2815 Gjøvik


Student services: 1st floor. B-blokka, hovedbygget

Phone: +47 70 16 15 00

Opening hours: Monday, Wednesdag, Friday: 09.00-12.00

Visiting address: Larsgårdsvegen 2, 6009 Ålesund

Faculty management:

Faculty management:

Student and Academic Section

Student and Academic Section: 

Research Section

Research Section:

Human Resources:

Human Resources:

Financial Section

Financial Section:

Communications Group

Communications Group:

IT Section

IT Section: