Research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences

Research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences

Researchers working in the lab. Photo

The research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences (NV) addresses global challenges in energy, climate, environment, food, water, health and welfare.

Our research activities range from basic research within biology, physics and chemistry, to enabling technologies such as biotechnology, materials technology and nanotechnology.

Research infrastructure NV

Research infrastructure serving NTNU

NTNU NanoLab. Photo

NTNU NanoLab

NTNU NanoLab is one of 4 cleanrooms within "The Norwegian Micro- and Nanofabrication Facility", NorFab. The facility is open for students and scientists at NTNU, as well as external researchers.

Gunnerus Research Vessel outside of Munkholmen. Photo

R/V Gunnerus

Gunnerus Research Vessel is equipped with the latest technology for a variety of research activities within biology, technology, geology, archaeology, oceanography and fisheries research.

Fish fry. Photo


NTNU's Centre of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SeaLab) provides a common arena and building for the research groups with focus on aquaculture, fisheries and the processing of marine resources.

Numbers NV research


Research groups

in various research areas at eight NV departments



Centres of Excellence and Research-based Innovation


NTNU Infrastructures

NTNU NanoLab, R/V Gunnerus and SeaLab hosted by NV


PhD graduates

from NV that received their diploma for completed PhD in 2020

SFF and SFI hosted by NV

Research Centres

Green porous media. Photo


Norwegian Centre of Excellence (SFF)

PoreLab - The Porous Media Laboratory focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods.

Researcher in the physics lab. Photo


Norwegian Centre of Excellence (SFF)

The Center for Quantum Spintronics (QuSpin) has a vision to trigger a revolution in low-power information and communication technologies in an energy-efficient society.

Two researchers using an instrument


Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI)

Centre for Sustainable and Competitive Metallurgical and Manufacturing Industry (PhysMet) is a centre in the field of physical metallurgy.

ERC Grants

ERC Grants - European Research Council

A woman with a tree in the background

ERC Advanced Grants

Jane M. Reid

EcoEvoMove – Spatio-Seasonal Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics - Are animals able to cope with climate change?

More ERC Advanced Grants at NV

A man sitting beside a telescope

ERC Consolidator Grants

Manuel Linares

LOVE-NEST – Looking for Super-Massive Neutron Stars. - Hunting for dead stars.

More ERC Consolidator Grants at NV

A woman holding a coral

ERC Starting Grants

Lena van Giesen

Making a choice for life – Cellular and molecular basis of coral larvae settlement and metamorphosis

More ERC Grants at NV

Research at NV departments

Research at NV

Research at NV


Marianne Bjordal Havnes. PhotoMarianne Bjordal Havnes
Head of the Research and Innovation section

PhD education

PhD education

The PhD education trains independent researchers on an international level, in interaction with international research environments.

PhD at the NV Faculty
(Faculty-specific information)

(General information at NTNU)