Primary Investigator/Professor Jacob Linder has been appointed to the editorial board of Physical Review Letters

October 2024

Primary Investigator, Professor Jacob Linder has been appointed to the editorial board of Physical Review Letters as a Divisional Associate Editor for condensed matter physics.

Physical Review Letters is a flagship journal of the American Physical Society and considered one of the most prestigious in the field of physics.

PRL Divisional Associate Editors are leading researchers who are selected and vetted both by an APS division and by the PRL editors. They are appointed for three years and play an important role in the editorial process by serving as referee in the adjudication of difficult cases and formal appeals, offering advice on journal policy, and identifying new referees.


FRIPRO Grant 2024

September 2024

RCN Fripro Grant to senior researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh.

Alireza Qaiumzadeh received a 12 MNOK grant on the project "Unconventional Thermoelectric Quantum Transport in Novel 2D Magnetic Heterostructures  ".The research project will run from 2025-2029. 

The research proposal focuses on exploring new two-dimensional magnetic materials that may exhibit exotic many-body properties. By employing advanced theories and computational methods, we aim to understand and control emerging phenomena in these materials, enhancing our understanding of phases of matter and potentially leading to the development of new quantum devices. The insights gained from this research could impact faster data processing, energy harvesting, and future quantum computing technologies.


September 2024

RCN Fripro Grant to professors Jacob Linder and Jeroen Danon

Jacob Linder and Jeroen Danon received a 9 MNOK grant (funding two Ph.D positions) on the project "Superconducting orbitronics in hybrid systems".The research project will run from 2025-2028. 

The main research focus is on obtaining a fundamental understanding of how the combination of these can potentially be utilized for various types of quantum-based technologies.

Electrons in materials have a property called orbital angular momentum, and the emerging field of orbitronics studies the behavior of this property and how it can be used in nanoscale devices to achieve for instance efficient information transfer. In this project, the interplay between orbital angular momentum and superconductors (materials which expel magnetic fields and carry electricity with zero resistance) will be determined. 


Honors and Grants

Honors and Grants

Pris beste master student pris 2024

Photo: Per Henning
Photo: Per Henning

June 2024 

Award Best Master in Technology 2024.

Master student Martin Tang Bruland has received the Award from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU. The Faculty states the following:

"Bruland has a strong academic background. He has achieved top grades in most subjects, and has been an exchange student at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

He received a challenging topic for his master thesis, namely to determine the interaction between a newly discovered form of magnetism called altermagnetism and superconductors under the supervision of Professor Jacob Linder at QuSpin.

He has showed a high degree of skill in terms of analytical and numeric calculations, and his results will be written up in the form of a research article submitted to Physical Review".

Award to Thorvald Ballestad

August 2023

Award from Norsk Fysisk Selskap to Thorvald Ballestad for an Excellent Master's Thesis in Physics

MSc graduate Thorvald Ballestad received 2023 Martin Landrø's award for an excellent master's thesis in physics from Norsk Fysisk Selskap. Thorvald finished his master's thesis spring 2022 under the supervision of senior researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh at QuSpin.

Title of the thesis is "Anomalous Thermoelectric Effect in Tilted Dirac and Weyl Semimetals: Contribution to the Nernst Effect from the Conformal Anomaly". The article "Unconventional thermoelectric transport in tilted Weyl semimetals" in Physical Review B journal is based on this thesis.

Thorvald is currentluy working as a data analyst at Simula Consulting AS.

TNNN Best Poster


June 2023

Award for Best Poster

QuSpin PhD candidate Anna Cecilie Åsland (third from left) receives the 10.000 NOK travel grant for her poster at the TNNN conference 2023.

NV Faculty Award 2023


June 2023

We congratulate the two master-students Sondre Duna Lundemo and Johanne Bratland Tjernshaugen at SFF QuSpin and Department of Physics, with receiving two of the student prizes at the graduation ceremony at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, June 2023.

Sondre received the prize for the best Master of Technology (teknologimaster). Johanne received the prize for best Master of Science (master i fysikk). The advisors have been professors Asle Sudbø (Sondre) and Jacob Linder (Johanne). 

Sondre and Johanne will start their PhDs at QuSpin with Sudbø and Linder, respectively, as main advisors in the fall of 2023.

Co-PI professor Mathias Klaui has become an IEEE Fellow

IEEE logo

January 2023

Co-PI professor Mathias Kläui became an IEEE Fellow.

Co-PI professor Mathias Kläui became an IEEE Fellow 2023 for his contribution to the next generation magnetic solid-state memory, logic and sensor devices.

The IEEE Fellow is one of the most prestigious honors of the IEEE, and is bestowed upon a very limited number of Senior Members who have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology bringing significant value to our society. The number of IEEE Fellows elevated in a year is no more than one-tenth of one percent of the total IEEE voting.

Honor and grants


A man. Photo

September 2022

Professor Jacob Linder has been elected as member of the Norwegian Academy of the Technical Sciences (NTVA), Norway.

"The purpose of NTVA is to promote science, education, and development within the technical sciences and associated scientific fields. To become a member, the person should have a documented independent scientific contribution to the technical sciences or associated scientific fields, or have made an important contribution to the promotion of technology or technical sciences."

Elected member

September 2022

Professor Dennis Meier has been elected vice-president of the European Magnetism Association (EMA).

Award to Niels Henrik Aase

August 2022

PhD student Niels Henrik Aase recieved the award for the Best Poster at "Physics by the Lake" in Stirling, Scotland.

Physics by the Lake is the UK national summer school on theoretical condensed matter physics and is organized by the Institute of Physics (IOP) Theory of Condensed Matter group.

Yara prize to Jabir Ali Ouassou

September 2021

Dr. Jabir Ali Ouassou receives Birkeland Prize in physics

The 100,000 NOK Birkeland Prize in physics is awarded to Dr. Jabir Ali Ouassou for his contributions to a broad range of topics in the theory of superconducting hybrid structures.

Physicist Jabir Ali Ouassou receives the Birkeland Prize 2020 in physics for this thesis Manipulating superconductivity in magnetic nanostructures in and out of equilibrium, for which he was awarded the degree in Philosophiae Doctor at the Norwegian Universirt of Science and Technology in 2019.

It is an honor to win the Birkeland award. I am surprised and happy that you have chosen me. Winning the prize is a motivation for me to continue my academic work”, says Dr. Jabir Ali Ouassou.

Read more >

NFR Fripro Grant til Asle Sudbø

June 2021

RCN Fripro Grant to professor Asle Sudbø

Asle Sudbø received a 8.6 MNOK grant on the project "Equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium quantum phenomena in superconducting hybrids with antiferromagnets and topological insulators".The research project will run from 2021-2024. 

The main research question is which quantum physical effects can occur in hybrid structures involving antiferromagnets, topological insulators and/or superconductors, both in and out of equilibrium. In equilibrium, the main emphasis is placed on discovering new superconducting stated mediated by squeezed magnons and how the magnon squeezing can be strongly enhanced. Out of equilibrium, the goal is to develop a general kinetic theory for transport phenomena of spin, heat, and charge.


RCN Fripro Grant Erik Wahlström

The Research Council of Norway. Logo

Erik Wahlström. Foto

December 2020

RCN FRIPRO Grant to professor Erik Wahlström

Professor /Head of the Physics Department Wahlström has received a FRIPRO grant from the Research Council of Norway. The grant is 12 MNOK for the period 2021-2025. The title of the research project is Phonon-Magnon Pumping in Oxide Nano-structures - Creating condensates for Boson based computing. The project is a collaboration between  NTNU (IFY (Erik Wahlstrøm) and IE (Thomas Tybell), Stockholms Universitet (Stefano Bonetti), Universidad de Barcelona (Ferran Macia) and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) (Toshu An). The project includes four new positions ( two PhD, one Postdoc and one II'er position).

RCN BalanseHub Grant

The Research Council of Norway logo

December 2020

QuSpin has received the RCN BalanseHub Grant

The grant is NOK 1 million for the period 2021-2022. The goal of the project is to increase the number of female researchers at our center and to support female careers to fill future top positions in Academia.

Mathias Kläui APS Fellow 2020

APS physics logo





October 2020

Primary Investigator, Professor Mathias Kläui has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society 2020

Solid-state physicist Professor Mathias Kläui has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) in recognition of his experimental research into magnetic materials, spin transport, and the dynamics and manipulation of spin textures on the nanoscale level.

Kläui heads a research group at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) which focuses on the future technology of spintronics. Spintronics involves the use of the magnetic moment of electrons in addition to electrical charge and is considered to be a technology with considerable potential. Indeed, it may be possible to use spintronics in various applications in place of semiconductors where this technology reaches its limits.

Press release (PDF)

Grieg Grant to Alireza Qaiumzadeh

Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Photo

May 2020

Grieg Grant to senior researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh

Researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh has received the GRIEG Grant by the Polish National Science Centre, together with researcher Anna Dyrdał from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU). The title of the project is "Spin and charge transport in low-dimensional novel quantum materials".

The three-year grant budget is about Euro 1.365 million, and funds the hiring a PhD candidate in NTNU and three PhD candidates and two postdoctoral fellows in AMU. The GRIEG call is part of the Basic Research Programme operated by the Polish National Science Centre under the EEA and Norway Grants.

NTNU Outstanding Academic Fellow Programme

Sol H. Jacobsen. Photo

January 2020

Senior researcher Dr. Sol H. Jacobsen to the NTNU Outstanding Academic Fellow Programme

She been invited to this programme for her achievements in the field of her research.

Grant to Dennis Meier

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Dennis Meier. Photo

December 2019

ERC Consolidator Grant to professor Dennis Meier

Professor Dennis Meier received the ERC Consolidator grant. With the project “ATRONICS”, Dennis and his team aim to emulate the behavior of electronic components at the atomic scale. The research will provide new insight into the physics of functional oxide materials and potentially lead to major breakthroughs in electronics. If the team succeeds, their research will enable energy efficient and ultra-small circuitry and networks, playing a key role in the transition from nano- to atomic-scale electronics.

NFR/FRIPRO Grant to researcher Sol H.Jacobsen

The Research Council of Norway. Photo


December 2019

RCN Fripro Grant to researcher Sol H. Jacobsen

Researcher Sol H. Jacobsen received the grant for her project Superconducting Triplet Spintronics: generation, control and application. With the help of curvature, cavities and spin-orbit coupling, the project willl go beyond rigid proximity-coupled systems to explore new directions for low-dissipation superconducting spintronics. The funds from the Norwegian Research Council will enable one Ph.D. candidate and one postdoctoral researcher to join project leader Sol H.Jacobsen.

Primary Investigator, Professor Asle Sudbø has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society 2019


APS physics logo

Asle Sudbø. Photo

September 2019

Primary Investigator, Professor Asle Sudbø has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) 2019

He was nominated as APS Fellow by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics, and the citation reads  “For his pioneering contributions to the theory of vortex matter in strongly fluctuating superconductors, superfluids, and multicomponent condensates.”

Each year, no more than one half of one percent of the Society membership is recognized by their peers for election to the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society. This is a prestigious recognition that also shows his important contributions to the research at our center, QuSpin, a center of excellence (SFF). The APS Fellowship Program recognizes members who have made exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise in physics research, important applications of physics, leadership in or service to physics, or significant contributions to physics education.

Primary Investigator, Professor Justin Wells has been elected Member of Honour 2019 by the Nano students.


September 2019

Primary Investigator, Professor Justin Wells has been elected Member of Honour 2019 by the Nano students

He has been elected Member of Honour 2019 by the Nano students at NTNU. For his long and deep interest and contributions to his students, scientifically and socially.

Co-PI, Professor Mathias Kläui, Mainz, has been selected a Distinguished Lecturer for 2020

IEEE logo

September 2019

Co-PI, Professor Mathias Kläui, Mainz, has been selected a Distinguished Lecturer for 2020

Professor Mathias Kläui, Mainz, has been selected as Distinguished Lecturer for 2020. Kläui will be doing a lecturing tour during 2020 to a range of universities, presenting his research field. The title of his lecture is "Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields and moving electrons".

Award Best Student Talk NanoNetwork 2019

NanoNetwork logo

June 2019

PhD student Håkon Ivarssøn Røst received the Award for the Best Student Talk NanoNetwork 2019

He was awarded for the best student talk at the Nano Network, Norwegian PhD Network on NanoTechnology for Microsystems, 10th annual workshop, in Tromsø,Norway. The commitee was headed by Olav Solgaard from Stanford University, USA.

Chair of the Gordon Research Seminar 2019

Akashdeep Kamra. Photo

July 2019

Researcher Akashdeep Kamra, Chair of the Gordon Research Seminar 2019

He is elected a chair of the Gordon Research Seminar on Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures 2019 that will take place in Switzerland in July.

This international conference provides a unique platform to young researchers for exchanging and discussing ideas at the cutting edge.

QuSpin is excited to financially support it and the concomitant nurturing of the future scientists globally.

DKVN Grant to Dennis Meier

Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi logo

May 2019

Professor Dennis Meier received the Fritjof Nansen's Award for Young Scientists

He received the Fritjof Nansen's award for young scientists 2019 from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters for his outstanding research within materials physics. The award is NOK 75.000,-.

Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Scientific Award to Young Researchers 2019

Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab logo

March 2019

Professor Dennis G. Meier was awarded with Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs scientific award to young researchers 2019.

The awards goes to Dennis G. Meier and Dave Kush. The award is NOK 75.000 to each and will be handed out March 8th. The award goes to young researchers in Norway who has documented extraordinary talent, and work, and who has achieved exceptionally good results within one’s scientific field.