QuSpin Articles
June 2023
Article written by Jacob Linder, Asle Sudbø, Arne Brataas and Karen-Elisabeth Sødahl and published in gemini.no
Kvantesensorer åpner nye muligheter på mange områder
Økt samarbeid mellom norsk industri og universiteter innenfor kvantefysiske sensorer er en vinn-vinn situasjon for samfunnet. Slike sensorer kan gi nye muligheter innen for eksempel mineralutvinning og landbruk.
Quantum sensors open up new possibilities in many areas

Launching the QuSpin Mobility Grant 2022
Encouraging our PhD students to seek international research experience, broaden their cultural outlook and extend their network.
Article based on interviews with PhD students Lina Johnsen Kamra and Bjørnulf Brekke, facilitated by Karen-Elisabeth Sødahl. In the interviews they share their experiences from their research stays at RIKEN in Saitama, close to Tokyo, and UCLA, Los Angeles,USA.
The Journey of SFF QuSpin
At the end of the year 2021, we sat down around the table and reflected on the Center's journey so far. How did the Center start? What did it take to become successful? And what have we learnt from our experiences so far?
Dialogue between the three Principal Investigators Arne Brataas, Asle Sudbø and Jacob Linder, facilitated by Karen-Elisabeth Sødahl. The fourth original Principal Investigator, Justin Wells, had already started in his new position at the University of Oslo.
From basic ideas to proof-of-concept devices
"It all started with a scientific discussion wiyh a colleague at a conference more than a decade ago", Dennis says.
How observations of small "defects" may guide us towards new technology.
A dialogue with Professor Dennis Meier, Postdoc Mariia Stepanova and PhD candidate Erik Lysne.
January 2019
Smart materials can reduce power consumption
Chronicle in Aftenposten (Newspaper) by Jacob Linder, Asle Sudbø and Karen-Elisabeth Sødahl. "Smarte materialer kan gi grønn energiboom". (Smart materials can give an energy boom)

Science is a Random Walk, Utilizing the Opportunities
QuSpin researchers published their paper "Current Control of Magnetism in Two Dimensional Fe3GeTe2" in the Physical Review Letter (PRL) in May 2019.
The team sits around the table and shares their reflections about two years of work put into the paper.
A dialogue with the professors Asle Sudbø, Arne Brataas and Jacob Linder, and the PhD candidates Vetle Kjær Risinggård and Øyvind Johansen.
Building the New Spin-ARPES Laboratory
This year we have constructed a new bespoke instrument. Unlike the existing equipment, which relied on well-established principles, we jumped into co-development of a new spin-resolved and spatial-resolved ARPES instrument.
A dialogue with professor Justin Wells, and the PhD candidates Håkon Ivarssønn Røst and Frode Sneve Strand.

Collective participation
What is the definition of succes in a project or in an organization? For many,it might be a significant milestone reached or an epic breakthrough. However,what if you look more deeply? If you take that approach with the QuSpin center,you’ll find a clear winner if you speak to those involved – connection.
A dialogue with the PhD candidates Haakon Thømt Simensen, Payel Chatterjee, Håkon Ivarssøn Røst and the researchers Sol H. Jacobsen and Alireza Qaiumzadeh.