Seminars, Guest Lectures, Journal Clubs & Idea Forum

Seminars, Guest Lectures, Journal Clubs & Idea Forum

Seminars, lectures and Journal Clubs



QuSpin Room, E5-103

One of our key goal is to make our center and physics attractive for our researchers, students, partners, visitors and potential new young students, to be motivated by, and recruited into a rewarding academic career. 


Upcoming Seminars and Guest Lectures


Upcoming Seminars and Guest Lectures

Invited speakers, PhD students, Postdocs and researchers at QuSpin give seminars on a bi-weekly basis in our lunchroom E5-103. We encourage everyone including master students to participate at these events in order to get a peak at the ongoing research at the center. Everyone is welcome to join and contribute!




Organiser spring semester: Center coordinator Karen-Elisabeth Sødahl

June 26th at 1.15 PM. Guest talk by Professor Annica Black-Schaffer. Uppsala University, Stockholm. Title: TBA (NB: Preliminary)

June 19th. PhD candidate Erlend Syljuåsen. Title: TBA

May 22th. PhD candidate Maxim Tjøtta. Title: TBA

May 8th, at 1.15 PM. Postdoc Xin Liang Tan. Title: Exchange engineering of a two-dimensional half metal.

April 24th. PhD candidate Karl Bergson Hallberg. Title: TBA

April 10th. TBA

March 27th. PhD candidate Vemund Falch. Title: TBA

March 13th. PhD candidate Kristoffer Leraand. Title: TBA

February 27th. TBA

February 13th, at 1.15 PM. Guest talk by Dr. Helena Reichlova from Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia. Title: TBA

January 29th, at 1-2.30 PM. Guest talk by Professor Manfred Albrecht, University of Augsburg, Germany and Professor Grzegorz Karczewski, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences Warszawa, Poland. Title: TBA

January 15th at 1.15 PM. Guest talk by Professor Manfred Fiebig, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Title:  Observation of a non-Hermitian phase transition in a bulk condensed-matter system.




Organiser autumn semester: Postdoc Morten Amundsen.

December 4th at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Travis Gustafson. Cancelled.

November 20th at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Xin-Liang Tan. Cancelled.

November 6th at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Vemund Falch. Cancelled.

October 23rd at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Jacob Benestad. Title: Machine learning for mitigation of noise in quantum systems.

October 9th at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Christian Svingen. Title: TBA

September 25 th at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Erik Hodt. Title: Friedel oscillations and interface-induced magnetization in altermagnets and antiferromagnets.

September 4th at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Verena Brehm. Title: Spin Nernst effect in honeycomb van der Waals ferromagnet CrI3.


Organiser spring semester: PhD candidate Travis Gustafson. 

June 14th, at 14.15 PM. Guest seminar by Professor Sergio Machado Rezende from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil. Title: Spintronics: Fundamentals and recent progress.

May 29th, at 14.15 PM, PhD candidate Stefanie Brinkman. Title: Chirality-driven orbital angular momentum and circular dichroism in CoSi.

April 17th, at 14.15 PM, PhD candidate Sondre Duna Lundemo. Title: Quantum Spin Liquids and a Majorana-glue Superconductor.

April 5th, at 2.15 PM.  Guest speaker Professor Emiretus Peter Jarvis, University of Tasmania, Australia. Title: Reluctant Quantum Random Walks.

April 3rd, at 14.15 PM, PhD candidate Anders Mathisen. Title: Altermagnetic domain imaging with spin- and energy-filtered dark-field PEEM.

March 13th, at 14.15 PM, Guest speaker Professor Jens Oluf Anders, Departmen of Physics, NTNU. PhD candidate Johanne B. Tjernshaugen. Title: Bose condensation in QCD. From the dilute Bose gas to color superconductivity.

March 6th, at 14.15 PM. PhD candidate Johanne B. Tjernshaugen. Title: Superconducting phase diagram and spin diode effect via spin accumulation.

March 5th, at 10.30 AM. Guest speaker Professor Hari Sirkanth, University of South Florida. Title:  Turning on the heat with spins and their transport across interfaces in heterostructures.

February 21st, at 5th, at 14.15 PM. Postdoc Pavlo Sukhachov. Title: Electronic properties of multi-band quantum materials.  

January 24th, at 14.15 PM. Guest speaker Postdoc Even Thingstad, Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland. Title: Collective effects in low-dimensional systems with coupled quasiparticles.




Organiser autumn semester: PhD candidate Hans Glöckner Giil.

December 4th, at 2.15 PM. Guest speaker PhD candidate Markus Weißenhofer-PreinknollTitle: Modeling ultrafast spin dynamics beyond phenomenological approaches.

November 20th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Erik Wegner HodtTitle: Nonlocal Josephson diodes in spin-valve Andreev molecules.

November 6th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Jacob BenestadTitle: Flipping biased quantum coins (How to design «optimal» experiments for determining a slowly fluctuating nuclear spin field in singlet-triplet qubits).

October 23rd, at 1.15 PM. Postdoc Chi SunTitle: Andreev reflection in altermagnets.

September 25th, at 1.15 PM. PhD student Niels Henrik AaseTitle: Multiband superconductivity.

September 21st, at 1.15 PM. Guest Seminar by Denys Makarov, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Germany. Title: Effects of Geometry and Topology in Curvilinear Ferro- and Antiferromagnets.

September 8th, at 1.15 PM. Guest seminar by Prof. Fabian Hassler, RTWH Aachen, Germany. Title: Photon counting statistics at the parametric instability.


Organiser spring semester: PhD candidate Christian Svingen Johnsen

June 15th, at 1.15 PM. Guest researcher Postdoc Dr. Levente Rózsa, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary. Title: Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin structures on superconductor. Online.

June 7th, at 1.15 PM. Guest researcher Dr. Sayantika Bhowal from ETH Zurich. Title: Magnetic octupoles as the order parameter for unconventional antiferromagnetism. Online.

June 5th, at 1.15 PM. Visiting researcher Professor Norman O. Birge, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Michigan State University, USA Title: Games with spin-triplet supercurrent in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions.

May 31st, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Tancredi Salamone. Title: High magnetic field superconductivity in a two-band superconductor.

April 19th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Bjørnulf Brekke. Title: Topological Constraints for Superconductors.

March 22nd, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Payel Chatterjee. Title: Effect of substrate on the growth and properties of FeSn kagome lattice.

March 8th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Stefanie Brinkman. Title: Epitaxial growth of CuFeS2 thin films using molecular beam epitaxy.

February 22nd, at 1.15 PM. Visiting researcher PhD student Athanasios Tsintzis, Lund University, Sweden. Title: Creating and detecting poor man's Majorana bound states in interacting quantum dots. 

February 8th, at 1.15 PM. PhD student Kristian Mæland. Title: Topological Superconductivity Mediated by Skyrmionic Magnons.

January 26th, at 1.15 PM. Guest lecture Dr. Libor Šmejkal, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. Title: Altermagnetism and Spintronics.

January 25th, at 1.15 PM. Guest lecture PhD student Gunnar Lange. Bartomeu Monserrat's group at Cambridge University, UK. Title: Fragile topology and momentum-space spin textures.




Organiser autumn semester: Phd candidate Niels Henrik Aase.

December 8th, at 2.15 PM. PhD student Jonas Lidal. Title: Effects of spin--orbit coupling and in-plane Zeeman fields on the critical current in two-dimensional hole gas SNS junctions.

November 24th, at 2.15 PM. PhD student Payel Chatterjee. Title: Epitaxial growth of Fe-Sn kagome.

November 10th, at 2.15 PM. PhD student  Verena Brehm. Title: Micromagnetic simulation of spin transport in easy-plane antiferromagnetic insulating films.

October 27th,at 2.15 PM. Postdoc Jabir Ali Ouassou. Title: Thermoelectricity at the interface of superconductors and magnets.

October 13th,at 2.15 PM. PhD candidate Niels Henrik Aase. Title: Magnon-mediated superconductivity in a Luttinger liquid.

October 10th, at 2.15 PM, Visitor Lecture by Professor Ali Mostafazadeh, Koz University, Istanbul, Turkey. Title: Propagating-wave approximation and the transfer matrix in two-dimensional potential scattering.  

October 6th, at 2.15 PM. Visitor Lecture by Professor Ali Mostafazadeh, Koz University, Istanbul, Turkey. Title: Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians and PT-symmetry.

September 30th, at 1.15 PM. Visitor  associate professor Dimi Culcer, UNSW Sidney, Australia. Title: Electrically induced spin torques due to the bulk states of topological insulators.

September 29th, at 2.15 PM. PhD candidate Eirik Holm Fyhn. Title: Vortices in Thin Spin-Split Superconductors.

September 15th, at 2.15 PM. Visitor PhD candidate Raphael Gruber from the Kläui-group at the University of Mainz, Germany. Title: Thermal Skyrmion Dynamics in Thin Magnetic Films.


Organiser spring semester: Phd candidate Lina Grøvan Johnsen

June 6th, at 1.15 PM. PhD student Vemund Falch. Title: Giant magnetoanisotropy in the Josephson effect and switching of staggered order in antiferromagnets.

May 20th, at 1.15 PM. PhD student Christian Svingen Johnsen. Title: Time-reversal symmetry breaking in phase-frustrated multiband superconductors.

May 13th, at 1.15 PM. Postoc Marion Barbeau. Title: Optical conductivity of Dirac fermions in an antiferromagnetic semimetal: orthorhombic phase of CuMnAs.

May 6th, at 1.15 PM. Postdoc Jinbang Hu. Title: Pd incalation induced giant Rashba splitting in epitaxial bismuthine.

April 1st, at 1.15 PM. Postdoc Chi Sun. Title: Field-Free Switching of Perpendicular Magnetization Through Spin Hall and Anomalous Hall Effects in Ferromagnet/Heavy Metal/Ferromagnet Structures.

March 18th, at 1.15 PM. Host: PhD candidate Payel Chatterjee. Guest speakers Dr. Melanie Zimmermann and Dr. Mona Haug, Germany. Title: Successful strategies to boost your career.

February 18th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Kristian Mæland. Title: Electron-magnon coupling and quasiparticle lifetimes on the surface of a topological insulator.

February 4th, at 1.15 PM. Host: Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Guest speaker Dr.Eng. Stefan Stagraczyński, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. Title: Many-body localization and mixed symmetries in spin 1/2 systems.




Organiser autumn semester PhD candidate Jonas Lidal.

December 10th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Anna Cecilie Åsland. Title: 1D Spin Polarised Surface States in Bi(112).

November 26th, at 1.15 PM: PhD candidate Eirik Erlandsen. Title: Superconductivity induced by interfacial coupling to antiferromagnets.

November 8th, at 1.15 PM: PhD candidate Bjørnulf Brekke. Title: TBA.

October 29th, at 1.15 PM. Postdoc Henning Goa Hugdal. Title: Possible odd-frequency Amperean magnon-mediated superconductivity in topological insulator–ferromagnetic insulator bilayer.

October 15th, at 10 AM. PhD candidate Frode Sneve Strand. Title: Atomically sharp dopant profiles in silicon.

September 17th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Tancredi Salamone. Title: Triplet superconductivity in curved nanostructure.


Organiser spring semester PhD candidate Eirik Fyhn.

June 16th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Longfei He. Title: Charge-trapping memory device based on 2D materials.

June 2nd, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Lina Grøvan Johnsen. Title: Magnon spin current induced by triplet Cooper pair supercurrents.

May 19th, at 1 PM, Postdoc Junhui Zheng Title: Controlling the RKKY interaction and heat transport in a Kitaev spin liquid via Z2 flux walls.

May 5th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Jonas Lidal. Title: Generation of Schrödinger-cat states through photon-assisted Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interferometry.

April 21st, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Atousa Ghanbari. Title: Indirect exchange interaction mediated by an isotropic s-wave superconductor in a superconducting spin valve.

April 7th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Andreas T.G. Janssønn. Title: Macroscale non-local transfer of superconducting signatures to a ferromagnet in a cavity.

March 24th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Verena Brehm. Title: Computer simulation of spin currents through insulating multilayers.

March 10th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Frode Sneve Strand. Title: Atomically sharp dopant layers in silicon: delta-dpoing. Cancelled.

February 24th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Matthias Hartl. Title: Epitaxial growth of an antiferromagnetic semiconductor: CuFeS2 – chalcopyrite.

February 10th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Eirik Holm Fyhn. Title: Solving the time-dependent Usadel equation.

January 12th, at 1 PM, Postdoc Marion Barbeau. Title: Laser induced magnon dynamics: A nonquasiparticle approach.




Organiser autumn semester: Postdoc Marion Barbeau.

October 13th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Kristian Mæland. Title: Ultracold Atomic Gases.

September 15th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Tancredi Salamone. Title: Effects of electronic correlations in multiorbital superconductors.

August 12th, at 1 PM, Guest Lecture, Associate Professor Dr. Ipsita Mandal, University of Stavanger. Title: Emergent collective phenomena in many-body systems.


Organiser spring semester TBA

June 5th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Payel Chatterjee. Cancelled due to Corona.

Postponed: May 22nd, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Håkon Ivarssøn Røst. Title: Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene

May 7th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Martin Fonnum Jakobsen. Title: Electrical and thermal transport in antiferromagnet-superconductor junctions.

April 24th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Eirik Erlandsen. Title: Magnon-mediated superconductivity on the surface of a topological insulator.

March 27th, at 1 PM PhD candidate Frode Sneve Strand. Title: Investigating dysprosium as a magnetic dopant in molybdenum disulfide.

March 13th, at 1 PM PhD candidate Atousa Ghanbari Birgani. Title: Cancelled due to Corona.

February 26th, at 1 PM, Guest Lecture, PhD Candidate Richard Schlitz, Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. Title: Non-local magnetotransport in YIG/Pt and Cr2O3/Pt

February 14th , at 1 PM, PhD candidate Arnau Sala.Title: Singlet-only Spin Qubits.

February 5th, Guest Lecture, Prof.Dr. Olena Gomonay. Title: Spin Current Induced Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Textures.

January 30th at 1 PM, PhD candidate Haakon Thømt Simensen. Title: Spin pumping through FI|S|FI trilayers.




Organiser: PhD candidateJørgen Holme Qvist.

December 6th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Frode Sneve Strand. Title: TBA

December 3rd, at 1 PM. Visitor lecture. Prof.Dr. Jochen Mannhart. Max Planck Institute, Germany. Title: Mesoscopic Devices That Disregard Onsager's Reciprocal Relation.

December 2nd, at 12 AM. Visitor lecture. PhD Candidate Camilo Ulloa. Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Title: Nonlocal Spin Transport as a Probe of Viscous Magnon Fluids.

November 25th, at 1 PM, Visitor lecture, Prof.Huan-Qiang Zhou. Chongqing University, ChinaTitle: Instability of the Luttinger liquids to fractal phases: An alternative to Landau's spontaneous symmetry breaking.

November 22nd, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Matthias Hartl. Title: Progress in the MBE-lab: Of the struggle to build up a lab from scratch.

November 8th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Even Thingstad. Title: Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in 2D materials.

November 8th, at 2.15 PM, Friday colloquim at IFY, Visitor Prof. Mikhail Katsnelson, Radboud University, the Netherlands. Title: Does God play dice?

October 25th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Jørgen Holme Qvist. Title: Semiconductor spin qubits.

October 11th, at 1 PM, PhD candidate Henning Goa Hugdal. Title: Inverse proximity effect in superconductors coupled to topological insulators.

October 8th, at 1 PM, Visitor Dr. Charles Downing, Universidad de Zaragosa, Spain. Title: Topological phases of polaritons in a cavity waveguide.

September 30th, at 1 PM, Visitor Dr. Mahroo Shiranzaei. Title: The indirect exchange interaction in the tological insulator and its thin version. 

September 27th, at 10 AM, Co-PI, Professor Mathias Kläui. Title: Quantum Spintronics in Mainz- Opportunities for Collaborations. 

September 17th, at 1-2 PM, Visitor Dr. Anna Pogrebna, EPLF, Lausanne, Switzwerland.Title: Quantum optomagnonics of two-magnon modes in antiferromagnets.

September 13th, at 1 PM, Håvard Homleid Haugen. Title: Chiral phase transitions in two-component superconductors.

September 13th, at 11-12 AM, Visitor Professor Janeus Sadowski, Linnæus University/Polish Academy of Sciences. Title: MoTe2 thin films and nanostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy

September 2nd,at 1 PM,Visitor Associate Professor Dr. Akbar Jafari,Sharif University of Technology, Teheran, Iran. Title: Superconducting Proximity in Dirac/Weyl Systems.


Organiser spring semester: TBA

June 13th, PostDoc Xiansi Wang. Title: Current driven dynamics of magnetic hopfions.

May 30th, Researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Title: Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions. 

May 16th, PostDoc Robert Troncoso. Title: TBA

May 2nd, Researcher Sol H. Jacobsen. Title: Super Cavitronics- an introduction

April 29th, Visitor PhD Sanchar SharmaUniversity of Delft, the Netherlands. Title: Optical manipulation of magnons in ferromagnets.

March 21st,  PhD candidate Arnau Sala. Title: Quantum Dots, spins and Pauli's exclusion principle: Spin resonances in the strong driving regime.

March 7th, PhD candidate Martin Fonnum Johansen. Title: Scattering Theory through disordered magnets.

February 7th, PhD candidate Øyvind Johansen. Title: Cavity Spintronics.




Organiser: PhD candidate Vetle K. Risinggård

June 21st, Visitor Dr. Dmytro Polischuk  Title: Thermal and spin dynamic effects in synthetic antiferromagnets.Erik Holmgren Resonant core dynamics in strongly coupled spin vortex pairs.

June 8th, Researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Title: All-magnonic helicity dependent domain-wall motion in antiferromagnets.

Visitor Prof. So Takei. Title: Spin current fluctuations in one-dimensional quantum paramagnets.

May 25th, PhD candidate Sverre Gulbrandsen. Title: Ultrafast switching of ferro- and ferrimagnets described by Schwinger bosons.

Visitor Prof. Wolfgang Belzig. Title: Aspects of Mesoscopic Super Conductivity. Topological Junction and Frustrated Dissipation.

May 4th, PhD candidate Jabir Ali Ouassou. Title: Bistability and hysteresis in superconducting materials.

April 30th, Visitor Prof. Alex Khajetoorians. Title: Spin sensing and magnetic design, one atom at a time.

April 20th,Postdoc Rajesh Kumar Chellappan. Title: Preparation of Graphene/SioO2/SiC structure for Electronic and Spintronic Devices.

April 6th, PhD candidate Fredrik Nicolai KrohgTitle: Derivation of a Ginzburg-Landau free energy density containing mixed gradient terms of a p+ip superconductor with spin-orbit coupling.

March Prof. Mathias Kläui. Title: Quantum Spintronics at Mauinz- from spin superfluidity to topologically protected spin structures.

March 16th, Postdoc Alex Schenk. Title: Experimental methods for investigating low-dimensional electronic systems.

March 6th, Visitor Prof. Christoph Tegenkamp. Title: Spin-charge transport phenomena on the atomic scale.

February 26th, Visitor Paramita Dutta.

February 22nd, Visitor Charlotte Saunders.

February 20th, Visitor Benedetta Flebus.

February 16th, PhD candidate Arnau Sala.Title: Spin qubits in quantum dots: Decoherence-free subspaces in exchange-only multi-dot qubits.

February 6th, Visitor Scott Bender.

February 2nd, Eirik Løhaugen Fjærbu. Title: Superconductivity induced by interfacial coupling to magnons.

January, Visitor Phillip Hofmann.




December 7th, Suraj Kumar Singh. Title: Spintronics in metallic oxides and magnonic crystals.

November 23rd, Øyvind Johansen. Title: Controlling antiferromagnetic resonance by an external magnetic field.

November 9th, Roberto Troncoso. Title: Self-oscillators, spin–orbit torques and antiferromagnets.

October 26th, Sol Jacobsen. Title: Superconductivity and spin–orbit coupling in diffusive heterostructures: a research summary.

October 11th,  Vetle Risinggård. Title: Current-induced domain wall motion. Spin–orbit torques.

September 28th, Henning Goa Hugdal. Title: Superconductivity in weakly repulsive 2D Hubbard model with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and magnetic field.

September 14th, Morten Amundsen. Title: Simulation of superconducting systems in 2D and 3D: a tutorial on the finite element method.

September 1st, Visitor Flavio Nogueira, Leibnitz Institute in Dresden. Title: Duality between a 3D topological Mott insulator and a topological superconductor.

Idea Forum for younger researchers


Idea Forum for Younger Researchers

We encourage to take part in the self-organized Idea Forum for the younger researchers, in an informal and friendly environment. Here  ideas, research challenges, work processes, problem solving or other are shared, stimulating collaboration across both the theoretical and experimental field, as well as between PhD students, Postdocs, researchers and master students. 



Faciltator spring semester: Self-organising.



Faciltator autumn semester: Self-organising.

Faciltator spring semester: PhD candidates Johanne B. Tjernshaugen and Sondre Duna Lundemo.



Faciltator autumn semester: PhD candidates Jacob Benestad and Stefanie Brinkman.

Faciltator spring semester: Postdoc Jinbang Hu.



Facilitators autumn semester: PhD candidates Anna Cecilie Åsland and Vemund Falch.

Faciltator spring semester: Postdoc Jabir Ali Ouassou.



Facilitators autumn semester: PhD candidates Verena Brehm and Tancredi Salamone.

Facilitator spring semester: PhD students Bjørnulf Brekke and Jonas Lidal.



Facilitator:  PhD student Even Thingstad.



Facilitators autumn semester: PhD candidates Even Thingstad and Martin Fonnum.

Facilitator spring semester: PhD candidate Arnau Sala



Facilitator: Researcher Akashdeep Kamra


Journal Club



Upcoming Journal Clubs

We arrange bi-weekly Journal Clubs  where we focus on articles with a specific field or topic with the aim of learning the topic. The expectation is that the audience should be able to learn from the presentation alone. The discussions are mediated by a chair. All members are expected to participate.




Organiser spring semester: Senior researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh.

June 12th, at 1.15 PM: TBA

May 15th, at 1.15 PM: TBA

April 3rd, at 1.15 PM: PhD candidate Maxim Tjøtta. Title: TBA

March 20th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Stefanie Brinkman. Title: TBA

March 3rd, at 1.15 PM: TBA

February 20th, at 1.15 PM: TBA

February 6th, at 1.15 PM: TBA




Organiser autumn semester: PhD candidate Niels Henrik Aase.

December 12th, at 2.30 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Hans Gløck Giil.

November 27th, at 2.30 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Johanne B. Tjernshaugen.

November 13th, at 2.30 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Payel Chatterjee. Title: Imaging antiferromagnetic domains in LiCoPO4 via the optical magnetoelectric effect.

October 30th, at 2.30 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Anders Mathisen.

October 16th, at 2.30 PM. TBA

October 2nd, at 2.30 PM. Presenter Postdoc Morten Amundsen. Title: Realization of an inherent time crystal in a dissipative many-body system.


Organiser spring semester: PhD candidate Anders Mathisen.

May 8th, at 2.15 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Xin-Liang Tan. Title: TBA

June 5th, at 2.15 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Erik Wegnes Hodt. Title: TBA

May 8th, at 2.15 PM. Presenter  PhD candidate Niels Hendrik Aase. Title TBA

April 10th, at 2.15 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Jacob Benestad. Title: Meterscale Strong Coupling between Magnons and Photons.

February 28th, at 2.15 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Travis Edward Gustafson. Title: A spinwave Ising machine.

February 14th, at 2.15 PM. Presenter PhD candidate Vemund Falch. Title: Evidence for an odd-parity nematic phase above the charge-density-wave transition in a kagome metal.




Organiser spring semester: PhD student Erik Wegner Hodt.

December 12th at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Kristian Mæland. Title: One-dimensional topological superconductivity based entirely on phase control. 

November 27th at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Stefanie Brinkman. Title: An atomically tailored chiral magnet with small skyrmions at room temperature. 

October 30th at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Verena Brehm. Title: Polarized phonons carry angular momentum in ultrafast demagnetization.

October 2nd, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Bjørnulf Brekke. Title: Zero-Frequency Chiral Magnonic Edge States Protected by Nonequilibrium Topology.


Organiser spring semester: Postdoc Chi Sun

June 14th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Hans  Glöckner Giil. Title: TBA

May 25th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Jacob Benestad. Title: Machine Learning Optimization of Majorana Hybrid Nanowires.

May 10th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Niels Henrik Aase. Title: Magnetic memory and spontaneous vortices in a van der Waals superconductor.

April 26th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Anna Cecilie Åsland Title: Realization of unpinned two-dimensional dirac states in antimony atomic layers.

April 12th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Vemund Falch. Title: Voltage-Controlled Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Torque Switching of Perpendicular Magnetization.

March 15th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Erik Wegner Hodt. Title: Nonrelativistic Spin-Momentum Coupling in Antiferromagnetic Twisted Bilayers.

March 1st, at 1.15 PM. Postdoc Jabir Ali Ouassou. Title: Anisotropic Vortex Squeezing in Synthetic Rashba Superconductors: A Manifestation of Lifshitz Invariants.

February 15th, at 1.15 PM. PhD candidateTancredi Salamone. Title: Supercurrent diode effect and magnetochiral anisotropy in few-layer NbSe2.




Organiser autumn semester: PhD student Payel Chatterjee.

Nov 17th, at 2.15 PM. PhD candidate Kristian Mæland. Title: Skyrmion Qubits: A New Class of Quantum Logic Elements Based on Nanoscale Magnetization. 

Nov 3rd, at 2.15 PM. Postdoc Chi Sun. Title:  Enhanced Magnon-Photon Coupling at the Angular Momentum Compensation Point of Ferrimagnets.

Oct 20th, at 2.15 PM. PhD candidate Christian Johnsen. Title:  Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic skyrmions induced by curvature.

Sept 22nd, at 2.15 PM. PhD candidate Vemund Falch. Title: Nonvolatile Electric Field Control of Thermal Magnons in the Absence of an Applied Magnetic Field.


Organiser spring semester: PhD candidate Kristian Mæland.

May 24th, at 1.15 PM, PhD candidate Jonas Lidal. Title: Natural heavy-hole flopping mode qubit in germanium.

April 29th, 1.15 PM. PhD candidate Tancredi Salamone. Title: Unconventional Superconductivity in Systems with Annular Fermi Surfaces: Application to Rhombohedral Trilayer Graphene. 

April 22nd, at 1.15 PM. Postdoc Marion Barbeau. Title: Slaying the Seven-Headed Dragon: The Quest for Gender Change in Academia. 

March 11th, at 1.15 PM, PhD candidate Lina Grøvan Johnsen. Title: New mechanism and exact theory of superconductivity from strong repulsive interaction.

February 25th, at 1.15 PM, PhD candidate Bjørnulf Brekke. Title: Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in an Insulating van der Waals Magnet.

February 11th, at 1.15 PM, PhD candidate Eirik Fyhn. Title: Intrinsic Superconducting Diode Effect. 



Organiser autumn semester: PhDcandidate Eirik Erlandsen.

Speakers TBA


Organiser spring semester: PostDoc Henning Goa Hugdal.

June 22nd, PhD candidate Håkon Ivarssønn Røst. Title: Kink far below the Fermi level reveals new electron-magnon scattering channel in Fe.

June 8th, PhD candidateMatthias Hartl. Title: Magnetic resonance imaging of spin-wave transport and interference in a magnetic insulator.

May 25th, PhD candidate Longfei He. Title: High mobility in a van der Waals layered antiferromagnetic metal.

May 11th, PhD candidate Payel Chatterjee. Title: Spin-orbit torque switching of an antiferromagnetic metallic heterostructure. 

April 27th, PhD candidate Anna Cecilie Åsland. TitleSkyrmion-(Anti)Vortex Coupling in a Chiral Magnet-Superconductor Heterostructure. 

April 13th, PhD candidate Jørgen Holme Qvist. Title: Robust and Efficient High-Dimensional Quantum State Tomography.

March 2nd, Postdoc Tancredi Salamone. Title: Spin-Orbit Splitting of Andreev States Revealed by Microwave Spectroscopy.

Feb 17th, PhD candidate  Longfei He. Title: High mobility in a van deer Waals layered antiferromagnetic metal. 

Feb 2nd, PhD candidate Bjørnulf Brekke. Title: Orbital torque: Torque generation by orbital current injection




Organiser autumn semester: PostDoc Junhui Zheng.

October 20th, PhD candidate Even Thingstad. Title: Boundary Criticality of PT-Invariant Topology and Second-Order Nodal-Line Semimetals.


Organiser spring semester: Postdoc Roberto Troncoso.

June 26th, PhD candidateArnau Sala. Chair: Roberto Troncoso. Title: Chiral Casimir forces: Repulsive, enhanced, tunable. Cancelled.

June 2th, PhD candidate Jørgen Holme Qvist. Chair: Arnau Sala. Title: Long-Distance Distribution of Atom-Photon Entanglement at Telecom Wavelength.

May 29th, PhD candidate Longfei He. Chair: Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Title: Fundamental Spin Interactions Underlying the Magnetic Anisotropy in the Kitaev Ferromagnet CrI3.

May 15th, PhD candidate Håkon Ivarssønn Røst. Chair: Roberto Troncoso. Title: Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene.

April 17th, PhD candidate Matthias Hartl. Chair: Roberto Troncoso. Title: All-electric magnetization switching and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction in WTe2/ferromagnet heterostructures.

April 3rd, PostDoc Junhui Zheng. Chair: Roberto Troncoso. Title: Preparing Atomic Topological Quantum Matter by Adiabatic Nonunitary Dynamics.

March 20th , PhD candidate Eirik Holm Fyhn. Chair: Xiansi Wang. Title: Chiral Gravitons in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids.

March 6th, PhD candidate Jonas Lidal. Chair: Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Title: Feedback-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions Using Weak Measurements.

February 21st, PhD candidate Lina Grøvan Johnsen. Chair: Sol H. Jacobsen. Title: Fractional Spin and Josephson Effect in Time-Reversal-Invariant Topological Superconductors.

February 7th, PhD candidate Andreas T. G. Janssønn. Chair: Akashdeep Kamra. Title: Strong Coupling between Magnons and Microwave Photons in On-Chip Ferromagnet-Superconductor Thin-Film Devices



Organiser: researcher Akashdeep Kamra.

December 13th,  PhD candidate Håvard Homleid Haugen. Title: Generating superconducting vortices via spin-orbit coupling at superconductor/ferromagnet interfaces.

November 29th, PostDoc Vasil Saroka. Chair: Arnau Sala. Title: Universal quantum logic in hot silicon qubits. 

November 15th, PostDoc Roberto Troncoso. Chair: Xiansi Wang. Title: Topological Insulators in Amorphous Systems.

November 1st, PhD candidate Eirik Erlandsen. Chair: Roberto Troncoso. Title: Topological Anderson Insulator.

October 18th, PhD candidate Frode Sneve Strand. Chair: Akashdeep Kamra. Title: Electronic quasiparticle renormalization on the spin wave energy scale.

October 4th, PhD candidate Atousa Ghanbari Birgani.  Chair: Akashdeep Kamra. Title: Landauer Formula for a Superconducting Quantum Point Contact.

September 20th,  PhD candidate Martin Fonnum Jakobsen. Chair: Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Title:
Magnetoanisotropic Andreev Reflection in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Junctions.

September 6th, PhD candidate Morten AmundsenChair: Sol Jacobsen. Title: Controlling the electromagnetic proximity effect by tuning the mixing between superconducting and ferromagnetic order.

June 20th, PostDoc Xiansi Wang. Chair: Asle Sudbø. Title: Edge States and Topological Invariants of Non-Hermitian Systems.

June 6th, PhD candidate Matthias Hartll. Chair: Maximillian Kessel. Title: Resonance Microwave Measurements of an Intrinsic Spin-Orbit Coupling Gap in Graphene: A Possible Indication of a Topological State.

May 23rd,  PhD  candidate Haakon Thømt Simensen. Chair: Sol H. Jacobsen. Title: Nonlocal Spin Transport Mediated by a Vortex Liquid in Superconductors.

May 9th,PhD candidate Håkon Ivarssøn Røst. Title: Spin resolved bandstructure imaging with a high resolution momentum microscope. 

April 25th, PhD candidate Arnau Sala. Title: A programmable two-qubit quantum processor in silicon.

April 11th, PhD student Payel Chatterjee. Title: Spin colossal magnetoresistance in an antiferromagnetic insulator.

Feb 14th, PhD candidate Even Thingstad. Title: Rapid change of superconductivity and electron-phonon coupling through critical doping in Bi-2212.




Organiser: Senior researcher Alireza Qaiumzadeh.


Dec 5th, at 12 PM. PhDcandidate Sverre Aamodt Gulbrandsen. Title: Optical Cooling of Magnons, Sharma et al,  PRL 121, 087205 (2018)

April 27th, at 12 PM. Postdoc Rajesh K. Chellappan. Title: Spin colossal magnetoresistance in an antiferromagnetis insulators, Qiu et al., Nat. Mater., 17, 577 (2018).

September 26th, at 2.30 PM. PhD candidate Vetle Kjær Risinggård. Title: Spin torques and magnetic texture dynamics driven by the supercurrent in superconductor/ferromagnet structures, Phys. Rev. B 98, 014521 (2018).

June 15th, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Therese Frostad. Title: Bilinear magnetoelectric resistance as a probe of three-dimensional spin texture in topological surface states, Nat. Phys. 14, 495 (2018).

June 1st, at 12 PM. Researcher Akashdeep Kamra. Title: Enhanced spin pumping into superconductors provides evidence for superconducting pure spin currents, Nat. Mater. 17, 499 (2018).

May 25th, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Vetle Kjær Risinggård. Title: Spin torques and magnetic texture dynamics driven by the supercurrent in superconductor/ferromagnet structures, Phys. Rev. B 98, 014521 (2018).

May 11th, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Morten Amundsen. Title: Detecting the phonon spin in magnon–phonon conversion experiments, Nature Physics 14, 500 (2018).

April 27th, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Haakon T. Simensen. Title: Electric-field switching of two-dimensional van der Waals magnets, Nature Materials 17, 406 (2018).

April 13th, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Eirik Fjærbu. Title: Magnon Valve Effect between Two Magnetic Insulators.

March 23rd, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Martin Fonnum Jakobsen. Title: Creation of Spin-Triplet Cooper Pairs in the Absence of Magnetic Ordering.

March 9th, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Øyvind Johansen. Title: Cooper-Pair Spin Current in a Strontium Ruthenate Heterostructure.

Feb 23rd, at 12 PM. Phd candidate Sverre Asmodt Gulbrandsen. Title: Spin Transfer due to Quantum Magnetization Fluctuations, A. Zholud, et al, 119, 257201 (2017).

Feb 9th, at 12 PM. PhD candidate Jabir Ali Ouassou. Title: Spontaneous currents in superconducting systems with strong spin-orbit coupling, S. Mironov, A. Buzdin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 077001 (2017).


QuSpin International seminar series_ online on zoom.

QuSpin International seminar series_ online on zoom.


We have invited key speakers to give a 45 minutes presentation with a 15 minutes follow-up dialogue and questions. The participation is by invitation. 


Updates will follow.

June Monday 14th, at 2-3 PM. Dr. Dongwook Go, the Peter Grünberg Institute, Germany. Host: Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Title: Orbital Transport in Spintronics.

May Wednesday May 26th, at 1-2 PM. Prof. Dr. Angelo Di Bernardo, University of Konstanz,Department of Physics,Germany. Host: Jacob Linder. Title: Signatures of unconventional states at superconductors' surfaces and interfaces. 

May Monday 10th, at 1 -2 PM. Prof. Dr. István Kézsmárk, University of Augsburg, Germany. Host: Asle Sudbø. Title:Towards the control of magnetic states via in situ engineering of magnetic anisotropy.

April Tuesday 20th, at 1-1 PM. Assistant Professor Luqiao Liu, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Boston, USA. Host: Arne Brataas. Title: Magnonic spintronics: a route toward information processing in classical and quantum domains.

April Tuesday 13th, at 3-4 PM.  Associate Professor Babak Seradjeh, Department of Physics, Indiana University, USA. Host: Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Title: Floquet-engineered topological phases of quantum matter.

March Tuesday 23rd, at 1 -2 PM. Senior Research Scientist Irina Bobkova, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Host: Jacob Linder. Title: Magnetoelectric effects in S/F hybrids. 

February Tuesday 23rd, at 1-2 PM, Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger, University of Hamburg, Germany. Host: Dennis Meier.Title: Emergent Majorana States in Atomic-Scale Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems.



September 7th, at 1-2 PM, Dr. Niladri Banerjee, Loughborough University, UK. Host: Sol H. Jakobsen. Title: Spin-orbit Coupling Effects in Superconducting Spintronics.

August 17th, at 1-2 PM, Dr. Charlotte Saunders, STFC Rutherford Appelton Laboratory, UK. Host: Justin Wells. Title: A Deeper Look by Pump-Probe ARPES at Valley-Selective Dichroism in 2D TMDCs:  Spin-Orbit Coupling, Symmetry-Breaking, Matrix Elements, and More.

June 22nd, at 1-2 PM. Researcher Paola Gentile, CNR-Spin, University of Salerno, Italy. Host: Jacob Linder. Title: Geometrically tunable spintronic effects and topological states in low-dimensional nanostructures.

June 15th, at 1-2 PM, Professor Dr. Mathias Kläui, University of Mainz, Germany. Host: Arne Brataas. Title: Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields and moving electrons.

June 8th, at 1-2 PM. Professor Rembert Duine, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Host: Arne Brataas. Title: Geometry and topology in magnetic dynamics.

May 25th at 1-2 PM, Professor, Dr. Ronny Thomale, University of Würzburg, Germany. Host: Asle Sudbø. Title: Room temperature quantum spin Hall  effect.

May 18th at 4-5 PM, Professor Jing Shi, University of  California, USA. Host: Arne Brataas. Title: Spin Currents in unaxial antiferromagnets.


* The dates and titles may be subject to change.