

Group photo

QuSpin international workshops and conferences


Quantum Spintronics June 9-11, 2027 - Upcoming

Quantum Spintronics June 3-5, 2026 - Upcoming

Quantum Spintronics June 4-6, 2025 - Upcoming

Quantum Spintronics June 5-7, 2024-  Our three days annual international conference in Trondheim

Quantum Spintronics 2022 - Our three days annual international conference in Trondheim

Quantum Spintronics 2021 - Our two days annual international workshop in Trondheim

Quantum Spintronics 2020 - Cancelled due to the ongoing corona pandemic at the time.

Quantum Spintronics 2019 - Our two days annual international workshop in Trondheim

Quantum Spintronics 2018 - Our two days international workshop in Trondheim

International Workshop 2017

Collaboration workshops

QuSpin Collaboration Workshops

It is critical to gather in with leading international professionals outside QuSpin. Targeted workshops, internal and external, allow for inspiration, discussions around current challenges and findings, and a strengthened environment for focused peer discussions.


QuSpin Collaboration Workshop September 25th-27th, 2023 in Oppdal. 

We had a three days collaboration workshop at Bjerkeløkkja, Oppdal, Norway. This was a kick-off for the next phase 2023-2027 at our research center focusing on our research projects, ideas and increased collaborations. We were forty researchers gathered from the University of Hamburg (Germany), the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz (Germany, NTNU (Norway), the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) and the University of Oslo (Norway), 


QuSpin Collaboration Workshop 2022-  December 5th- 6th , in Trondheim.

QuSpin Collaboration Workshop 2021- Cancelled due to the corona pandemic.

QuSpin Collaboration Workshop 2020- Cancelled due to the corona pandemic.


QuSpin Collaboration Workshop 2019 -  March 13th-15th, in Oppdal.


Strategy Workshop 2018, Internal workshop

A group of people. Photo


QuSpin Internal Strategy Workshops


Once a year we take extra time at our center to sit down to discuss and reflect, and take a closer look at what we are doing, how we are doing, and how we can get better. Every year we have a specific topic that we focus on.


QuSpin Internal Strategy Workshop December 2022

Focus on the development of our center, especially in the collaboration between the theorical and experimental field of activties as between the different experimental labs.


QuSpin Internal Strategy Workshop August 2021

- Focus on the development of our center, especially in the balance between the various types of activities to enhance our productivity, and on the importance of a professional and welcoming onboarding for newcomers to our center. 


QuSpin Internal Strategy Workshops June 2020

Cancelled due to the corona pandemic.


QuSpin Internal Strategy Workshops June 2018

- Focus on culture and cross-disciplinary collaboration in our research group.

Balance Project 2021-2022


Inclusion and Diversity Workshops


Workshops working on inclusion and diversity issues in recruitment and career development for our temporary and permanent employed researchers.


Workshop IV -   December 2022, in Trondheim.

Continuing the work on diversity and transition phases in research careers with focus on CHANGE.


Workshop III- November 2022, online.

On mentoring and mentees and learning experiences.


Workshop II

Working on measures to be taken within recruitment and career development, and seeing and exploring various diversity dimensions at our center.


Workshop I  

Presenting the results from an internal survey on inclusion and diversity.



From left: Professor Asle Sudbø (QuSpin), Professor Hai-Qing Lin (CSRC Beijing), Professor Alex Hansen (PoreLab) and Professor Arne Brataas (QuSpin)


CRSC-Porelab-QuSpin Workshop 2018

- June 19th 2018, Trondheim, Norway

We have established a new collaboration stemming from a visit from Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) from Beijing, China. Porelab and QuSpin hosted the visit and established an exchange program for both research, and PostDoc level, in the area of computational physics related to our spintronics activities.