Call for papers - CDIO 2023
Information for authors
Time slots for presentations and activities (pdf)
Presentation Guides
Podium Presentations
Guidelines in brief
The total presentation time per paper, including Q&A and a brief introduction by the Session Chair
- EER (Engineering Education Research) – 30 min (max 25 min + 5 min Q&A)
- Advances in CDIO – 30 min (max 25 min + 5 min Q&A)
- CDIO Implementation – 20 min (max 15 min + 5 min Q&A)
- Projects in Progress – 15 min (max 10 min + 5 min Q&A)
Note that the presentation times vary for the different tracks! Use the Contribution Lists to check which track your contribution belongs to, and leave at least 5 minutes for Q&A independent of which track you are presenting in. The parallel sessions
The room is equipped with a projector and a console for connecting your laptop. Bring your own laptop with a HDMI port, or HDMI adapter. For backup bring a memory stick.
Always follow instructions from the Session Chair as they are responsible for the session beginning and ending on schedule. The Session Chair are instructed to be strict with time-keeping.
All Podium Presentations are planned after breaks – Session Chairs and Presenters need to meet up at least 15 minutes before session start to prepare the presentation.
For more details: Podium Presentation Guidelines.
Poster Presentations
Guidelines in brief
Below is a summary of important points from the following sections.
- Print and bring your own poster to the conference. The poster size and format is A0 (841mm x 1189 mm) in portrait orientation.
- Paper title and number (submission ID) must be clearly visible on the poster.
- Send a PowerPoint file of only one slide for your 60 seconds poster teaser presentation by June 12 to the poster teaser session chair, Gareth Thomson, who will be in contact with you shortly. The slide cannot include animations or video content.
- Poster presenters need to arrive in the main auditorium (R1) before the opening session, at 8:00 to rehearse the poster session.
- Posters can be mounted on arrival, from Monday 12:00, and will stay up during the conference. The main poster session starts after the Poster Pitch on Tuesday 10:30.
Posters will be placed in the immediate vicinity of the keynote and registration area.
For more details: Poster Presentation Guidelines.
Poster Pitch Presentation PPT Template.
Workshop Presentations
For more details: Workshop Presentation Guidelines.
Round Table Presentations
For more details: Round Table Presentation Guidelines.
Call for papers
The CDIO Initiative welcomes your ideas and invites proposals for papers, working groups, workshops and roundtables at the 19th International CDIO Conference. The conference takes place in Trondheim, Norway from June 26 to June 29, 2023. Working groups and work shops will meet on June 26, 2023. Please note that the combined Reception and Conference Dinner takes place on the first evening of the conference, on Monday June 26.
View detailed Call for Papers with guidelines and submission details.
All submissions via the SoftConf Abstract and Paper Submission system.
Main conference theme
The main theme of the conference is “Engineering education for a smart, safe and sustainable future”. Proposals for contributions are welcome on topics relevant to the CDIO approach and the conference theme. For Paper contributions, the presentation formats are Podium Presentations and Poster Presentations. Workshops, Working Groups and Roundtable Discussions are contribution categories that do not require a full paper. Please see the detailed Call for papers for more details about the contribution categories and presentation formats.
Conference Themes
In line with the main theme of the conference, we would particularly like to see contributions that address some aspect of the following overarching themes:
- Sustainability in Engineering Education
- Lifelong Learning for Engineers
- Change Leadership in Education
Specific topics of interest for this year’s conference are:
- Digital Transformation in Engineering Education
- Curriculum Change and Curriculum Agility
- Emotion and Reason in Engineering Ethics
- Operationalization of the CDIO Syllabus and Standards
List of contributions and authors (as of 15 June, 2023)
We hope to have the proceedings available for you two weeks before the conference starts. Before then you need to check that your contributions are correct!
Please check that Title, Author list (names, affiliations), Track, and Presentation format is correct. Instruction for how to respond has been sent to the corresponding authors through the submission system.
Important dates & deadlines
Papers |
Abstract submission: 15 Nov. 2022 |
Notification of acceptance: 1 Dec. 2022 |
Draft paper submission deadline: 30 Jan. 2023 |
Notification of acceptance: 30 Mar. 2023 |
Final submission* and registration: 30 Apr. 2023 |
Workshops & roundtables |
Outline submission: 15 Nov. 2022 |
Notification of acceptance 1 Dec. 2022 |
Activity description submission deadline: 30 Jan. 2023 |
Notification of acceptance: 30 Mar. 2023 |
Final submission and registration: 30 Apr. 2023 |
Working groups |
Outline submission: 15 Nov. 2022 |
Notification of acceptance 1 Dec. 2022 |
Activity description submission deadline: 30 Jan. 2023 |
Sign-up deadline: 15 Apr. 2023 |
Member acceptance: 30 Apr. 2023 |
* Please note that papers in the EER (Engineering Education Research) track are reviewed again after the submission of the final paper if the draft paper submission was accepted with “minor changes” or “major changes”. The focus of the review is to ensure appropriate development of the manuscript and response to reviewer feedback.
General Criteria for Selection
- Relevance to the conference theme and tracks
- Novelty of innovative ideas with proven results
- Potential to stimulate thought and discussion
- Applicability of ideas, programs, and practices to the CDIO community
- Compliance with the criteria for the particular submission tracks
Criteria for the different tracks
EER Paper Criteria Advances in CDIO Criteria CDIO Implementation Criteria CDIO Project in Progress Criteria
Templates for papers and activities
Templates for full papers
There is no template for the abstract as the abstract is entered direct into the SoftConf Abstract and Paper Submission system.