IVB - Manulab
Laboratory for Manulab
Laboratory for Manulab
MANULAB is a national infrastructure for basic research on manufacturing engineering with laboratories located at Gjøvik/Raufoss, Trondheim and Ålesund. The infrastructure is funded through the Norwegian research council and contribution from each of the partners, NTNU, SINTEF Manufacturing and SINTEF Industry. MANULAB is managed from NTNU, the Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering.
For more information about MANULAB and all share holders, please visit the webpage:

The equipment in the laboratories is used for research on metal forming, high energy laser welding, additive industry and industry 4.0 with wireless communication, sensor networks, learning factories, digital twins, AR / VR, machine learning and advanced cognitive automation.
The laboratories are connected through a network of cameras, sensors and IoT functionality that form a unified virtual laboratory. Laboratory data is collected in a common database and made available for dissemination and further research.