A PhD project focusing on developing high-energy cathode materials for Li-ion batteries. Ni-rich layered oxides can provide high energy densities due to their high capacities, but struggle with performance- and thermal stability issues. The aim of the project is to synthesise Ni-rich layered oxides with modifications for improved stability.
A PhD project part of the MoZEES research center, a norwegian research center on Zero Emission Energy Systems with focus on battery- and hydrogen technology for transport applications. The project is mainly focused on the application of high-voltage cathode materials in Li-ion batteries, and specifically on the stabilization of the cathode/electrolyte interface at high voltages
A project investigating if a two-dimensional material called MXenes can work as a cathode material in rechargeable Mg batteries. Therefore working with different synthesis methods and post synthesis treatments, in order to control the intercalating properties of this material. To date the project has worked on the two different MXene compositions of V2CTx and Ti3C2Tx.
A project using DFT to assess cathode materials for Mg batteries. The main objective is to understand how to best achieve cathodes with both low migration barriers (i.e., fast charging/discharge) and high operating voltage. The MXene group og materials is of special interest.
A project studying the electrode-electrolyte interphases in Li batteries, by using both experimental techniques (mainly XPS), and molecular modelling (including DFT and MD simulations).
A project working with lithium metal anodes for high energy density batteries. Using atomistic simulatiobs, we are investigating the mechanisms of dendrite nucleation and growth on the lithium metal surface.
The goal of the project is to improve the reversibility of Li plating and stripping in nonaqueous electrolytes, as well as understanding why the addition of lithium nitrate in TEGDME solvents with LiTFSI/LiFSI salt improves the cyclability. To investigate this, the project is studying the formation of the initial SEI layer and nucleation of Li on Cu current collectors by voltammetry, SEM and XPS/FTIR.
PhD project focusing on experimental studies of various electrode materials and electrolyte systemts for Li-ion batteries. Some examples include the Li-uptake properties of biomineralized silica, tailored binder functionalities for silicon-based anodes as well as inhibition of aluminium corrosion in high-voltage cathode materials via tuning of electrolyte additives
An example of a biomineralized nanostructure (left) being implemented in a Li-ion battery (right)
A project studying the synthetic and naturally occuring silica as anode material for next generation Li-ion batteries. The main focus is the structural and electrochemical analysis of silica anodes using advaced characterization techniques. The project also works on the development of carbon coating procedures to enhance the electrochemical performance of the anodes.
Our role is to both determine the fundamental mechnisms that underlie ionic migration, as well as aid the discovery and prediction of new materials for battery applications. This is all possible by using state-of-the-art density functional theoru (DFT) calculations and methods to chacterize the very intrinsic properties of such materials. Currently our work is focused towards the realisation of an all solide-state battery device through the discovery of suitable solid electrolytes.
The project involves the study and development of solid state electrolytes for lithium batteries. Polymers, ceramics and composites of these will be studied. Currently the project is using molecular dynamics methods to simulate candidate electrolytes to try to find out which material properties are beneficial for high ionic conductivity. The most promising materials will be synthesized and tested in lab scale batteries.