ERC Grants

EU emblem and ERC logo

ERC Grants

Several outstanding researchers at NTNU have received grants from the European Research Council (ERC).

The award of a grant from ERC is the most prestigious funding a researcher can receive.


  • New ERC Grants awarded from the European Research Council
  • Signed, ongoing ERC projects sorted on:
    • ERC Advanced Grant
    • ERC Consolidator Grant
    • ERC Proof of Concept
    • ERC Starting Grant
    • ERC Synergy Grant
  • Finished ERC projects sorted on grants
  • ERC projects transferred to another institution during the project period

New ERC Grants awarded from the European Research Council

New ERC Grants from the European Research Council

Researchers who have been awarded ERC Grants, as announced in the European Commission's publication on 3 December 2024:

ERC Consolidator Grant to Ida-Marie Høyvik

Project: OpenQuantum - Molecules as electronically open quantum systems

ERC Consolidator Grant to Stefanie Muff

Project: GPWILD - Prediction of genetic values ​​and adaptive potential in the wild

Read about the two project in Norwegian SciTech News


Researchers who have been awarded ERC Grants, as announced in the European Commission's publication on 5 November 2024:

ERC Synergy Grant to Jonas Scherner

Project: The Hidden Weapon: Blockade in the Era of the Two World Wars

Read about the project in Norwegian SciTech News

ERC Synergy Grant to Mila Vulchanova

Project: SHAPE: The system of shape representations in cognition, development and across languages

Read about the project in Norwegian SciTech News

Signed, ongoing ERC projects

Signed, ongoing ERC projects

ERC Advanced Grant

ERC Advanced Grant

ERC Advanced Grant row 1

Alex Hansen, photo.

Alex Hansen

AGIPORE – A Statistical Mechanics Framework for Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media

ERC Advanced Grant – ID 101141323

Henrik Koch, photo.

Henrik Koch

QuantumLight – Coupled cluster theory for polaritons: changing molecular properties with quantum light

ERC Advanced Grant – ID 101020016

Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen, photo.

Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen

CREME – Control of light vehicle-manipulator systems

ERC Advanced Grant – ID 101017697

ERC Advanced Grant row 2

Jane M. Reid

Jane M. Reid

EcoEvoMove – Spatio-Seasonal Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics

ERC Advanced Grant – ID 101140637

Bernt-Erik Sæther, photo

Bernt-Erik Sæther

EcoEvoRescue – Eco-Evolutionary Rescue of Fragmented Populations

ERC Advanced Grant – ID 101095997

Ingrid Bouwer Utne

Ingrid Bouwer Utne

BREACH – A human-like perception system for marine applications

ERC Advanced Grant – ID 101142277

ERC Consolidator Grant

ERC Consolidator Grant

ERC Consolidator Grant row 1

Hans Bihs, photo

Hans Bihs

Partres – Particle Resolving Fluid-Sediment Interaction

ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 101045646

Charles Butcher, photo.

Charles Butcher

LEGACIES – Understanding how historical states have shaped modern institutions and dissent

ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 101045180

Simen Andreas Ådnøy Ellingsen, photo.

Simen Andreas Ådnøy Ellingsen

WaTurSheD – Small Flows with Big Consequences: Wave-, Turbulence- and Shear current-Driven mixing under a water surface

ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 101045299

ERC Consolidator Grant row 2

Fredrik Jutfelt, photo.

Fredrik Jutfelt

CLIMEVOLVE – Evolution and mechanisms of thermal performance – answers through artificial selection in zebrafish

ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 10113026

Manuel Linares, photo.

Manuel Linares

LOVE-NEST – Looking for Super-Massive Neutron Stars

ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 10112352

Dennis Meier, photo.

Dennis Meier

ATRONICS – Creating building blocks for atomic-scale electronics

ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 863691

ERC Consolidator Grant Row 3

Senbo Xiao, photo.

Senbo Xiao

Icevolt – Icevoltaics: from the Workman-Reynolds Freezing Potentials to Electrical Energy

ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 101125009




ERC Proof of Concept

ERC Proof of Concept

ERC Proof of Concept row 1

Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen, photo.

Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen

UR4energy – Underwater Robots for efficient ocean energy harvesting

ERC Advanced Grant – ID 101188523

May-Britt Tessem, photo.

May-Britt Tessem

ARTS – Precision tissue biobanking made easy

ERC Proof of Concept – ID 101082300


ERC Starting Grant

ERC Starting Grant

ERC Starting Grant row 1


Madeleine Dungy

Madeleine Dungy

InternalFortress – Internal Fortress: Regulating European Freedom of Movement within the Nation-State, 1950-1980

ERC Starting Grant – ID 101116211

Lena van Giesen

Lena van Giesen

Making a choice for life – Cellular and molecular basis of coral larvae settlement and metamorphosis

ERC Starting Grant – ID 101076516

Jason Hearst

Jason Hearst

Breaking through: The Impact of Turbulence on the Gas-Liquid Interface

ERC Starting Grant – ID 101041000

ERC Starting Grant row 2

Marius Korsnes

Marius Korsnes

MidWay – A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China

ERC Starting Grant – ID 101041995

Trine Moholdt

Trine Moholdt

ExMilk – Exercised  breastmilk: a kick-start for childhood obesity prevention

ERC Starting Grant – ID 101075421

May-Britt Tessem

May-Britt Tessem

ProstOmics – 'Tissue is the issue': a multi-omics approach to improve prostate cancer diagnosis

ERC Starting Grant – ID 758306 

ERC Starting Grant row 3

Francesca Verones

Francesca Verones

ATLANTIS – Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incorporating human impacts on the marine ecosystem within life cycle impact assessment

ERC Starting Grant – ID 850717

Øivind Wilhelmsen

Øivind Wilhelmsen

InterLab – Unraveling the fundamentals of transport across the vapor-liquid interface

ERC Starting Grant – ID 101115669


ERC Synergy Grant

ERC Synergy Grant

ERC Synergy Grant row 1

James Barrett, photo.

James Barrett

4-OCEANS – Human History of Marine Life: Extraction, Knowledge, Drivers Consumption of Marine Resources, c.100 BCE to c.1860 CE

ERC Synergy Grant – ID 951649

James Dawson, photo

James Dawson

HYROPE – Hydrogen under pressure

ERC Synergy Grant – ID 101119058

Thorsten Hamann, photo

Thorsten Hamann

HYDROSENSING – Discovering how plants sense water stress

ERC Synergy Grant – ID 101118769

ERC Synergy Grant Row 2

Edvard Moser, photo.

Edvard Moser

KiloNeurons – Populations Codes for Space in the Mammalian Cortex

ERC Synergy Grant – ID 951319



Finished projects row 1

Finished ERC projects

ERC Advanced Grant

  • Arne Brataas – INSULATRONICS – Controlling Electric Signals with Insulating Antiferromagnets and Insulating Ferromagnets – ERC Advanced Grant – ID 669442
  • Edvard Moser – CIRCUIT – Neural circuits for space representation in the mammalian cortex – ERC Advanced Grant – ID 232608 and GRIDCODE – Cortical maps for space – ERC Advanced Grant – ID 338865
  • Bernt-Erik Sæther – STOCHPOP – Stochastic Population Biology in a Fluctuating Environment – ERC Advanced Grant – ID 268562

ERC Consolidator Grant

  • Christian Doeller – GEOCOG – Cognitive Geometry: Deciphering neural concept spaces and engineering knowledge to empower smart brains in a smart society – ERC Consolidator Grant – ID 724836

ERC Starting Grant

  • Jonathan Whitlock – RAT MIRROR CELL – Deconstructing action planning and action observation in parietal circuits in rats – ERC Starting Grant – ID 335328
  • Nicholas Worth – TAIAC – Breaking the paradigm: A new approach to understanding and controlling combustion instabilities –  ERC Starting Grant – ID 677931

Transferred projects

Number of ERC projects transferred to another institution during the project period: 3.

HR Excellence in Research logo

HR Excellence in Research logo

See also

See also

NTNU Horizon Europe – with information about NTNU’s support for researchers interested in participating in the EU Framework Programmes.

NTNU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions PF

EIT KIC, where NTNU participates in Climate-KIC – InnoEnergy – Raw Materials

NTNU Charter & Code