Professor Åsvold is the Center Leader at HUNT Center for Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology, in addition to being an NTNU Outstanding Academic Fellow. His main research areas include endocrine and cardiovascular epidemiology using data from the HUNT Study linked with national health registries. Åsvold brings expertise in epidemiological methodology, in particular the identification of modifiable causes of disease in population and Mendelian randomization approaches.
Professor Hveem, former center leader, led the establishment of the state-of-the-art HUNT Biobank facility. He has also been instrumental in the design and establishment of the Danish National Biobank at SSI. Hveem brings scientific expertise in cohorts, registries, biobanks, genotyping, data handling and analysis of new genetic variation.
Research Groups: Microbiome, Integrate and Panomics
Associate Professor Giskeødegård has a PhD in Medical Technology. She was previously a part of the MR Cancer Group. Her research is focused on MR spectroscopy of tissue samples and biofluids from breast and prostate cancer patients, and she has a special focus on multivariate data analysis of the MR spectra. Her research goal is to identify biomarkers for improved diagnosis and treatment of breast and prostate cancer.
Løset works with genetic studies using data from HUNT in combination with regional- and national health registries, and RNA sequencing data from psoriasis-related skin samples. She aims to reveal novel mechanisms for inflammatory skin diseases and to translate these insights into prevention strategies and treatments.
Associate Professor Ness-Jensen is a gastroenterologist, working with epidemiological and clinical studies of the most common gastrointestinal disorders and cancers. In these studies, he and hos team assess the occurrence and consequences of these diseases and search for the causes, hoping to use the results in prevention and treatment.
Marit Næss is the Head of HUNT Research Centre. She has PhD in Community Medicine, focusing on environment and genetic aspects of overweight and obesity in families that participated in the HUNT study.
Associate Professor Brumptons´ research concerns the use of genetic data and phenotypic information collected from population-based health surveys and electronic health records within epidemiological frameworks to make causal inference. His methodologies also include Mendelian Randomization.
Associate Professor Nøst' interests is in the fields of molecular and environmental epidemiology, on markers that can be measured in blood and that can help us understand more about diseases and how environmental exposures can influence our bodies. Mainly on markers often called ' omics markers' (for example genetics, gene expression, and DNA methylation) as intermediate markers between exposures and the systemic reactions to the exposure or the disease, especially cancer.
Professor Almaas works towards an improved understanding of systems-level interplay and design principles of metabolic, gene-regulatory, and protein-interaction networks in cells, bringing extensive experience in both complex network analysis and high performance computing.
Professor Sætrom, leader of BioCore and an NTNU Outstanding Academic Fellow, works towards an improved understanding of gene regulation in human disease, bringing extensive experience in both managing and analyzing high dimensional data and in developing tools for integrating these different data types to discover functional genetic variants, relevant for the bioinformatic prioritization.